3 Family Health Tips – Hot Tubs, Spas Dealer Chandler, Mesa


“May is the month that the nation pays attention to the information being spread about how to make families tighter, healthier and stronger,” said Melinda Dalacas, manager of Southwest Spas Here are three family health tips to maintain better living standards and close relationships.  

Develop Healthy Eating Habits Right from the Start – By providing well-rounded meals that are low in sugar, and offering a variety of food so that kids learn how to try for themselves and determine when something is good or not, they lead by example, and children do not develop bad eating habits that can plague them for life.

Plan Fun Family Exercise and Learning Experiences – Teach kids where foods come from by creating a family garden. Not only will they learn how to produce their own food, they will get out in the fresh air and sunlight, and move around for exercise that offers additional health benefits. Family gardens also promote a good work ethic and additional experiences for working together as a unit.

Add a Relaxing Mesa Hot Tub to the Backyard – When it’s time to relax at the end of the day, having a place that is attractive and fun to draw the family together is important. Having a spot filled with fun things to do, including a hot tub for the ultimate in luxury and festive atmosphere will draw family members to it and bring them together in a way that is relaxing and soothing. 

There are many options available in a hot tub to increase the chances that all members of the family will want to spend their free time there instead of alone in their rooms or other areas of the house. Choose a hot tub with enough room for everyone and add a built-in television and stereo for extra entertainment value.

To encourage local residents to check out the benefits of using a hot tub to help improve their overall health and well-being, Southwest Spas is providing free test soaks at all their showrooms. We do recommend however that people wanting to schedule their free 30-minute soak call us ahead of time to reserve their spot.

To get more information about the benefits of owning a hot tub, pick up a copy of this free buyer’s guide “First Time Spa Buyers Most Frequently Asked Questions.” Just give us a call or visit our website at:

1110 S. Country Club Dr.
Mesa, Arizona 85210
☎ 480-969-6224

2571 S. Val Vista Drive,
#13 Suite 103,
Gilbert, AZ 85295
☎ 480-999-3303

Hot Tubs and Spas Mesa, Hot Tubs and Spas Chandler


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